2017 Family Goals:
-Treat each other with kindness- help us like each other
-Scripture Study- Write scripture on chalkboard weekly, review at dinner
-Explore- At least once a month go explore somewhere new
-Be a Family - Family Home Evening, Dinners Together, Family Prayer
-Savor- Enjoy being alive, and all the little moments with family
-Reach out- To family and friends. Build meaningful relationships
-Figure out my foundational beliefs- lay them out- live by them
-Work hard at work. Be productive and get done what I need to.
- Illuminate
-Bring Warmth
Also, make bread
-Become Strong and Flexible
-Learn Math Facts and Spelling
-Keep Room Clean
-Learn How to Cook (Monthly Desserts)
-Be nice and gentle - Learn to know and control his strength
-Learn to read
-Learn to tie shoes
-Get better at climbing
-Learn to say words clearly
-Learn letters of his name, and copy them
-Read more books
-Learn to calm himself down when upset (manage emotions)